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Console UI Core Classes - OOP344 20111

1 byte added, 08:36, 25 March 2011
Due Dates
* '''Avoid "just in case" includes.'''
=Due Dates=
*===Sat March 19 R3.0===*: Merge the bio additions to your bio.c and bio.h*: Add all the files for mock-up classes*:# create .h and .cpp files for all classes*:#: the name of the file is all lower case and is the same as class name (i.e CFrame class: cframe.h and cframe.cpp)*:# copy the class definitions into .h files*:# create mock-up methods for the class defs*: Tag it in Release 0.3*===Tue March 22 R3.5===*: merge the code for CFrame and CField from tags/fardad/coreclasses into your project and compile, run and test it with Test1Frame.cpp*: Tag it in Release 0.35*===Tue march 29 R4.0===*: Code the following*: CDialog*: CLabel Tester: Test2DialogAndLabel.cpp*: CLineEdit Tester: Test3DialogAndLineEdit.cpp*: After successful test tag them in R4.0
= General Internal Header file (cgh.h R0.1)=

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