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RPM-based Kernels for Fedora ARM

834 bytes added, 06:59, 15 March 2011
Project Plan
* 0.1
Find a solution for Dracut to work in ARM system
Please see Project News and release 0.1.
* 0.2
Find Design Spec file for ARM Kernel and find an alternative way for GRUB in ARM systemAt this stage, I am trying to design a spec file for current kernel in my Fedora-ARM board since there is no any specific design in current rpm and spec file for kernel. This will merge to the main spec file in the kernel to include the ARM architecture for my ARM board. I should include my initramfs and current kernel to my spec file and find an alternative way to replace the GRUB since there is no any GRUB in ARM architecture. Although the hardware for this board doesn't change except adding hardware to the board such as RAID, which is good in designing iniramfs with dracut, different kinds of ARM board, for example, Beagleboard(OMAP3) or Panada boards and so on, make it hard and complicate in designing rpm kernel for ARM architecture.
* 0.3
Bind together as a package, Documentation, and Presentation.

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