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Code Indexer

1,683 bytes added, 14:19, 16 January 2007
==IRC Talk about CVSUP==
Ok, what i would be interested to know is if i could get fully versioned histories of specific branches, not a versioned copy of the whole code base, due to technical limitations. If this versioning information has a bug number and a reviewer, i can easily implement Blame and version histories into the OpenGrok, making it ideal (imo). Please add your comments as if this were the talk page
==Project Name==
Source Code Indexing Service Analysis
==Project Contributor(s)==
==Project News and DetailsStatus==I now have some time to resume work on the project. This time I will manage my time more wisely<strike>I have too many assignments. I need to do work on them, but I should have more free time during the Christmas break.</strike> ==Options==Status====* Waiting Help with [ LXR]/[ MXR]/[ Bonsai] development.* Make a sort-of branch respectful version of [[OpenGrok]] but this would be a very shoddy implementation that doesn't really do what it should* Setup one OpenGrok per active branch of the Mozilla Project, this would have no version history whatsoever, apart from file dates.* [Re]write major portions of how [[OpenGrok]] deals with history and changesets and the likes, this is my personal preference.* Try to see about fit [ Fisheye] into the current development model, but it seems this might be more like finding a problem for a solution. This is a license very very powerful tool, but it is not really like LXR or OpenGrok, it is more useful to analyze CVS/SVN histories more than search for fisheye* functions, files, definitions and the likes. Fisheye is also '''extremely''' slow. Within my lan, it takes a long time to do any queries, and over the internet it is impossible. I don't know why, especially since OpenGrok has rudimentary uses the same basic technologies. (ie 10 minutes plus for one page load on a kludgelan connection, in its defence, it is still indexing the code)  ====Why I like OpenGrok====Apart from the fact that it does not support branches, this is in my opinion the perfect tool. It is fast, open souce and most importantly, it makes really easy to navigate, well thought out pages that just work. Because of the way OpenSolaris does file versions for their code, they don't use branches at all. OpenSolaris currently uses a linear method of file versioning, they don't use branches, they use versions as a sory of branch, basically the idea that Office 12 is the "2007 branch" and Office 11 is the "2003 branch". Mozilla doesn't do this, so it would be nessecary to implement this feature. Luckily, however, OpenGrok is very modularized and atomic in nature. If you go to the OpenGrok page, you can get a more complete explanation, but the basic jist of it is that there are many "Guru's", each with a task. The files are first read by the History Guru who looks at the file and decides what type of versioning the file uses. Once the versions have been analyzed, they are passed on to the file analyzer guru who then decides what type of file it is, and passes it on to a file type analyzer. The allows for portions of the code to be changed without changing the whole system, so if we wanted to be able to do special things with XUL/XPCOM as far as how to handle its symbols, we would write one module which is not dependent at all on any other file analyzer. The same way, if Mozilla switchs to SVN, we would just port the branchingsupport to SVN. On the chances that Mozilla switches to something other than CVS or SVN, a HistoryGuru could be written for that type of versioning history. The OpenGrok project is under the [ CDDL] which [ derives from the MPL 1.1]
====Candidates==========Serious Candidates======* [ LXR]/[ MXR]/[ Bonsai] - Not working on setting one up because there is already one* [[OpenGrok]] - As this is becoming my main focusIn closing, I am breaking really like the OpenGrok project because it out into its own page.* [ Fisheye] - Commercial Solution that is free (as in beer) for open source projects.======Others======* [ Horus] - Not really what is needed'''very''' fast, but its a nice interface for programming students own code. I will not be actively doing anything to it.* [ Sourcenav] - investigating this project* [ Gonzui] - Fairly basic on second examination* [ Google Code Search] - No way to specify the Mozilla project only'''very''' powerful and '''VERY''' modular!
* [ Official Blurb] just in case I forget what I am doing :P
* [ John's School Page]
* [ CVS2SVN] Tool to convert CVS to SVN. Will be used to test SVN interop.
* [ Tomcat on Wikipediadocs/Mozilla_Source_Code_Via_CVS Devmo:CVS Checkout]* [ Rsyncing_the_CVS_Repository Devmo: Rsyncing the CVS Checkout]* [ Rsyncing the CVS_Tags Devmo: CVSTags]- to get the branches to checkout
* [ Tomcat5 on Ubuntu]
* [ Tomcat Tips]
* [ Blog Entry] on OpenGrok
* [ Java5 on Ubuntu] - "sudo update-alternatives --config java" and "apt-get remove --purge java-gcj-compat"
* [ Tomcat4 Doc] - possibilities for setting up catalina.policy correctly
* [ CVS Tags] - to get the branches to checkout
* [ Tomcat SSI Howto]
* [ CVSUP Guide for FreeBSD]
* [ Mozilla Jargon]
* [ link 45Misc==Notes on Accessing Test Server==If you want to access the test server through anything other than port 80, you are going to have to type in the following address into a browser and note the IP address you get in your address bar. This is because I have dynamic DNS. Everything, including the source itself, will be in the http root for easy access to the files. This is not optimal, and will not stay this way once things advance. * [http://superfindwww.sun.bouncemecom/cddl/ Superfindhtml CDDL] - Will resolve as computer, which is why you have to use a browser to get explanation of the diferences between the IP ==Questions==Please edit in an answer if you knowMPL and CDDL
==Pulling CVS==
This code will pull the CVS for the branches specified in @branches, or it did at some point, your mileage may vary
# Pull CVS from the mozilla project server
# Where you want the branch folders
my $src_root = "/var/mozilla";
# Where is your make executable for opengrok? (Mozilla needs 3.80, nothing elseor equivalent script to start the indexer)my $make opengroker = "/homevar/jhfordopengrok/oldmake/";
# Where is your for opengrok??server?my $opengroker cvsserver = "/var/opengrok'"cvsroot';
# Branches to be pulled
my @branches = (
"AVIARY_1_0_1_20050124_BRANCH", "REFLOW_20061031_BRANCH" ); # Descriptions for each branch, don't delete old ones for the sake of deleting themmy %descriptions = ( "HEAD" => "Trunk - development branch", "MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH" => "Firefox 2.0 - development branch", "MOZILLA_1_8_0_BRANCH" => "Firefox 1.5 - maintainance branch", "MOZILLA_1_7_BRANCH" => "Firefox 1.0 - maintainance branch", "AVIARY_1_0_1_20050124_BRANCH" => "Suite - maintainance branch", "REFLOW_20061031_BRANCH" => "Reflow Refactoring"
# Open the file or
open BRANCHLIST, ">$branchlistpath" or die "Could not open file";
# Clear out what ever source was there
system ("rm -rf ${src_root}/*");
foreach (@branches){
# Download the makefile, then checkout from the makefile
mkdir ${src_root}/$_;
cd ${src_root}/$_;
cvs -d :pserver:anonymous:anonymous\ ${cvsserver} co -r $_ mozilla/;
make -f ${src_root}/${_}/mozilla/ checkout MOZ_CO_PROJECT=all;
system ("bash $opengroker");

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