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Computer Lab Manual

717 bytes added, 14:31, 25 February 2011
no edit summary
=== Technical Overview of Computer Lab ===
The Westminster computer lab is a "thin client" lab where each workstation is "diskless" (i.e. no hard disk drive). These "thin clients" are connected to a central server to simplify computer maintenance (like installing software). Applications on the "thin clients" can be run via the main server, or run from the "thin client" itself in RAM. This Computer lab uses the Linux Operating System (an educational version of Ubuntu called "Edubuntu"). The application in '''Linux''' to run a diskless workstation lab is called '''LTSP''' (Linux Terminal Server Project).
* Where Computer Lab "fits into" AVIT structure (Getting the big picture): [ [ png] ]
* Computer Lab User Manual for Instructors: [ ]
* Reporting Computer Lab Problems (AVIT form): [ ]
* Edubuntu webpage: [ [] ]
* LTSP (Linux Terminal Server Project): [ [] ]

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