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User:Chris Tyler/OPS235 Practical 1 Practice

354 bytes added, 23:07, 23 February 2011
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# Create the file <code>partitions.txt</code> containing a list of all of your partitions, as displayed by the <code>fdisk</code> command.
# Create the file <code>lvm.txt</code> containing a list of your physical volumes, volume groups, and logical volumes, as displayed by the appropriate LVM commands, plus the amount of space used in each filesystem.# Change the system configuration so that each newly-created user account automatically has a file named "readme.txt" in their home directory containing a welcome message.
# Extend your root filesystem by 100M.
# Create the file <code>resized-lvm.txt</code> containing a list of your physical volumes, volume groups, and logical volumes , and the amount of space used in each filesystem, after the completing the previous step.
# Create the file <code>bash-files.txt</code> containing a list of all of the files that were installed as part of the <code>bash</code> RPM package.
# Create a 2MB ext3 filesystem in an image file named <code>practical-1p1-practice.img</code># Mount that filesystem image file.# Create the directory <code>lvm-info</code>. Place the three <code>lvm.txt</code> and <code>resized-lvm.txt</code> files into the ext3 filesystem that you createddirectory. Ensure Make that directory and its contents owned by <code>root</code> owns .# Create the directory <code>misc</code>. Place the file <code>partitions.txt</code> and <code>bash-files.txt</code> files into that directory. Make that directory and its contents owned by your regular normal user account owns the other two files.# Ensure that Unmount the filesystem is closed properly (think about what this means!is critically important. Why?).
# Compress the filesystem image file.
# Exchange the filesystem image file with a colleague in your class for checking.

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