#: Subversion (or SVN for short) is a revision control system that is used to track changes to a project's file repository. SVN tracks changes to the repository made by each project collaborator. SVN tracks changes and can be used to analyze differences and undo changes at a later time if needed. This allows for greater collaboration and speed , while minimizing (though never completely elimintating) risks associated with duplication and overwriting each others work. Project contents need not be limited to source code files.
# '''Where can I find an SVN tutorial?'''
#: * [[Subversion_tutorial|Here]]#: * [[SVN|SVN at a glance]]
# '''More complete documentation?'''
#: Detailed SVN tutorials and other help information can be found in the [http://svnbook.red-bean.com/ free official online book] by [http://www.oreilly.com/ O'Reilly Media.]