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Processingjs gamepaper

1,529 bytes removed, 05:31, 16 January 2011
Future Work
==Future Work==
Performance is always a concern for any interactive multimedia application. Future work for Processing.js will include adding better support for speed improvements.
was necessary to create a faster version of JavaScript'script's inherently slow arrays types. Because of this, typed arrays were incorporated into pre-release versions of WebGL browsers. Unlike regular arrays which can contain different types such as strings, numbers and objects, typed arrays can only contain one type and cannot by dynamically resized. Some of these types include Float32Intay, Int32Uinty, Uint16ArrUintnd Uint8Array. These types provide a significant performance increase when manipulating arrays.
(table removed)
<table border="1">
<td>&gt;10, 000</td>
Win7 64Bit, 4GB Ram, Dual-Core 1.30Ghz Intel U7300
(citation needed)
Alistair MacDonald
[ link]
Because typed arrays are only available for pre-release browsers, they cannot currently be used in 2D sketches. Once they become implemented in browsers, a significant amount of the Processing.js code base can make use of these structures, increasing performance throughout the library.... /* andor, mike said its in... is it???*/

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