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Svn rules - OOP344 20111

670 bytes removed, 09:01, 14 January 2011
== important commands ==
=== checkout ===
* is the first thing you do to get a copy of the whole, or part of a repository * in your team page there must be a trunk status section** in trunk status section you must have two things:*** 1 - Status of trunk (commited, commiting) ***2- the id of the person who has commited or is commting the turnk**# before committing any changes to trunk, make sure your version is compiled and working.**# make sure the status is NOT '''committing'''; if it is wait for it to change to '''committed'''**# if status is committed, change it to committing with you id**# start merging your changes **# resolve conflicts if happens**# compile again to make sure it successful**# do the final commit**# change the status back to committed with your id

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