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Westminster Lab (Collaboration Essentials)

20 bytes removed, 16:08, 13 January 2011
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==== Course Description ====
''As we move towards an information-based society, it is necessary to master modern tools be able to oversome modern challengescollaborate online.''
This course is a continuation from the Introduction / Basics computer lab course with an emphasise on planning and collaboration tools. Students will taught the PIE framework for curriculum development and how it can also apply to project design. Concepts such as "deconstruction" will be taught to help gain better perspective and remove biases before designing a course or project. Students will use WIKIs for online work and collaboration (WIKI meetings). In addition to text, students will embed files and images into their WIKIs. Various diagramming applications (already available in the Westminster Computer Lab) will be taught. Students will also be exposed to copyright issues and how they can impact on sharing content on their WIKIs.

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