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Staff Training

12 bytes added, 15:56, 13 January 2011
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In order for Westminster staff, volunteers and general congregation to meet newer technical challenges for their church, training should focus on collaboration and follow-up skills through the use of technology as opposed to simply using technology to gain information. Today, individuals are aware that web-pages, e-mails, and electronic bulletin boards are interesting ways to access information, but individuals also need to develop the subtle art of <u>online</u> communication, collaboration, monitoring and follow-up in order to effect change. People need to recognize the advantages and limitations of each type of communication technology, and use each one to its maximum potential.
Great care must be taken to "deconstruct" (or remove built-in biases) from traditional learning methods that tend to hinder, and not empower the student in collaborating over the Internet.
These series of courses should adopt the following principles:

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