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Staff Training

157 bytes added, 18:27, 12 January 2011
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=== Course Content / Learning Style ===
In order for Westminster staff, volunteers and general congregation to meet the newer technical challenges that their church (, more emphasis must be placed on collaboration and the United Church of Canada in general), newer approaches of how follow-up skill through technology as opposed to simply using technology to communicate and collaborate are essentialgain information. Many of the church members are aware that webpages, e-mails, and electronic bullentin boards are interesting ways to communcatecommunicate, but invidulas individuals also need to develop the subtle art of communicationgcommunicating, collaborating, monitoring and following up by using nmore recent tools such as WIKIs and Blogs. Also individuals need to recognize the advantages and limitations of each type of communication technology.
Great care must be taken to "deconstruct" (remove biases that IT experts have, and ) in order to create courses that provide students these essential skillshelp empower the student how to effectively use this newer technology. Below are a few elements that these  These courses will pursueshould adopt the following principles:
* Movement away from tests, and more emphasis on a group project. Adults tend to be "tired" and the end of the day, but fun activities such as "break-out" sessions, ice-breakers, and group projects can be effective methods to keep students engaged and monitor participation.

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