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Staff Training

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The PIE '''method''' is the classic approach to designing course curriculum. Elements of these training sessions will provide students with skills to help plan, implement, and evaluate courses.
Appropriate time must be given during the <u>The PIE method of curriculum (project) development relates to 3 specific areas or stages: * '''P'''</u>lanning stage to identify and understand the needs of the student, as well as the content to teach. After the planning stage, the developer must focus on the course delivery or <u>* '''I'''</u>mplementation stage which includes creation of course delivery (including for example: lesson plans, projects, evaluation, etc.). Finally, the course developer needs to <u>* '''E'''</u>valuate valuation stage to review the course's or project's effectiveness of the lesson in terms of implementation (perhaps planning) in order to provide feedback (improvement) for future course sessionsimprovment.
All course content, teacher lesson plans, etc. should be contained on Westminster's WIKI in order to grow content, and not "re-invent the wheel". This online method will make it easier for new teachers to better prepare from a consistent and useful "support network". Other church Action Groups or departments may benefit from viewing this online organisation structure, and hence adopt and modify to meet their own needs.

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