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Processingjs paper

453 bytes added, 15:42, 5 January 2011
community and collaboration
==community and collaboration==
The processing.js project was started by John Resig who wanted to utilize the HTML5 canvas element and take advantage of the Java Processing language. It took about seven months to get a working version, consisting of 5000 lines of code.
This initial port had limitations on what parts of the processing language it was able to parse. Moreover, the release contained a lot of gaps as some of the functionality was not yet supported (Resig 2008).
Society has a vital interest in encouraging and rewarding innovation. Presently, there are two major models characterizing how this may be done. The first, the “private investment” model and the second, the “collective action” model (von Hippel and von Krogh 2003). Von Hippel and von Krogh go on to say that the private investment model assumes private returns to the innovator resulting from private goods and efficient rule of intellectual property protection. Whereas the collective action model assumes collaboration from multiple innovators resulting in a public good that can be accessed by anyone.
In December of 2010 the first stable version of processingjs was released. Included in the release were over 1,000 bug fixes, features, and under-the-hood improvements. At the time the project had twenty six recorded code contributors, eleven of which had the status of super reviewer. At least twenty users logged in to the IRC channel at any given time, 608 members of the Google Group and 99 forks of its repository.
==Browser Unification==

Navigation menu