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Processingjs paper

772 bytes added, 17:18, 4 January 2011
Data visualization in a webpage beyond images typically required some sort of plug-in. However due to security concerns and general wariness to plugins, they are not the most effective means to deliver content. Furthermore there are often some platform where a plugin does not exist or cannot exist. Even Flash which is one of the most ubiquitous visual environments are not available on every platform. The only real solution to web delivery of rich visulization of data is to integrate that data visualization into what the web already knows about.
The processing language introduced by Ben Fry and Casey Reas is simple and elegent language for data visualization. Traditionally, to display works made in processing on a webpage required a java applet and plugin.
Processing.js seamlessly integrates web technologies with the processing language to provide an accessible framework for multimedia web applications.

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