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Processingjs paper

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community and collaboration
In December of 2010 the first stable version of processingjs was released. Included in the release were over 1,000 bug fixes, features, and under-the-hood improvements. At the time the project had twenty six recorded code contributors, eleven of which had the status of super reviewer. At least twenty users logged in to the IRC channel at any given time, 608 members of the Google Group and 99 forks of its repository.
==Scalable Vector Graphic Support==
Processingjs supports two major systems for representing graphics: raster, and vector graphics. Raster graphics are images represented by an array of pixels. Each pixel is either an RBG value or an index into a list of colors. This series of pixels, or bitmaps, is often stored in a compressed format such as JPEG, GIF, and PNG. Vector graphics however are objects rather than a series of pixels. They work by describing the grid points at which lines or curves are to be drawn. Some people describe vector graphics as a set of instructions for a drawing, while bitmap graphics (raster) are points of color in specific places (Eisenberg 2002). Vector graphics have a significant advantage over raster graphics because they are scalable; they can be scaled to any size without the loss of image quality. SVG, which stands for Scalable Vector Graphics, is a language which describes 2D graphics (straight lines or curves) expressed in mathematic relations in XML. Processingjs supports basic SVG shapes, path parsing, transformations and style, as well as shape reusability.
"Paths." SVG 1.1 (Second Edition). June 22 , 2010. (accessed Dec 2010).
==DOM integration==
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