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Supporting Architectures above armv5tel

14 bytes added, 01:12, 17 December 2010
Project Details
'''What the project is all about'''
Currently, Fedora only supports armv5tel hardware. With the introduction of armv7 architecture, Fedora-ARM is planning to upgrade its Fedora Universe. While it seems logical, re-compiling the whole Fedora package is a strenuous task; therefore before deciding to recompile, Fedora-ARM needs to make sure if the technologies provided by optimizing certain programs to use armv7 architecture proves significant performance difference against the currently used armv5tel program architecture.
This project aims for that sole purpose. By running a benchmark and compiler optimizations, Fedora-ARM can contrast both technologies and use the results to decide if it's really worth to recompile the whole Fedora Universe to use armv7 architecture.

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