== Project Details ==
In Based on the benchmarks, in average, THUMB reduced the sizes about,<div>'''2.24%''' for *.rpm files,</div><div>'''7.67%''' for extracted directories, and</div><div>'''22.16%''' for executables, compared to NON-THUMB.</div><div>While it might save some disk space for executable files, it doesn't make a big different for rpm packages since rpm has it's own compressing mechanism.</div> Compared to THUMB2, In average, THUMB produced files that are about,
<div>'''0.24%''' for *.rpm files,</div><div>'''0.45%''' for extracted directories, and</div><div>'''1.86%''' for executables, greater than THUMB2.</div><div>I noticed that THUMB produces files that are almost as small as THUMB2's products.</div>