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Basics : Install Eclipse Plugins

1,211 bytes removed, 12:14, 11 December 2010
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Set the env variable JAVA_HOME to ''{your installation directory}''
{{Ecl_installation|type== <u>Install Eclipse Basics</u> =|install=__NOEDITSECTION__* Go to [ Eclipse Downloads] and choose '''Eclipse IDE for Java Developers''' (attention at operating system 32/64 bit).* Unzip the downloaded file in '''''/Eclipse_Platform/Basics''''' directory.* Start Eclipse (click the eclipse executable file in ''Eclipse_Platform/Basics/eclipse'' directory * In the ''Workspace Launcher'' dialog box: Workspace type <span style="background-color: #ffff00">./wskp/'''''{app-type}''''' where ''{app-type}'' could be: '''''hello''''' or '''''simple''''' or '''''lab'''''</span> Follow the [ this tutorial to create the first application] to build hello world application to check your installation. For this course you will be using the workspace defined in ''Eclipse_Platform/Basics/eclipse/wksp/.." === ''The Directory Structure for the Course'' === {| class="wikitable" border="0"|-| {{Ecl_dir_structure}} | [[Image:Ecl-course-dir-structure-new.png|thumb|200px]]| [[Image:Ecl-package-structure-new.png|thumb|400px]]where: * {topic} must be: ''basics'' or ''osgi'' or ''rcp'' or ''android'' or ''blackberry'' or ''virgo'' or ''wtp''* {subject} must be: '''''hello''''' or '''''simple''''' or '''''lab'''''* {subpack} a subpackage name (if need it for complex apps)|-|}

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