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JSON RPC Adapter Project

8 bytes added, 17:22, 26 November 2010
Phase 9: Code Review 4
**please remove the parts of tests that are duplicated. For example, in testServerObjects() you test the serialization of a Symbol called “sym”, a PrivilegeSet of “480000”, and a PCodeFunction with code 0, 1, 2. But these have already been tested by the “testSerializeRequestCheckJSON” which uses the m_request object initialized by the superclass.
**Use Primitive.createInteger, Primitive.createLong, etc. instead of new Integer(…), new Long(…), etc. where possible.
===Phase 9: Code Review 4 (Done) ===
* Send patch to NexJ for review
===Phase 10: Apply Changes per Code Review 4 ===
*The m_tokenValue used in some of the error messages won’t always be populated. For example, in parseArray(), m_tokenValue is used, but it will only be valid if the current token is TOKEN_ATOM.

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