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Fingerprint Identification vs Password Authentication

1,147 bytes added, 14:44, 21 November 2010
Preliminary + Detailed Research
<li>Using same password for all accounts</li>
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Yes for everything password + fingerprint. Privacy, finger password is safer. Unique. If im being careful with my fingerprint. No one can log in to my account. Feel more secure. No one will have any data on my fingerprint.
Who are the types of people you think would like the addition of fingerprinting ID?
• Computer users
• Professionals/Business people
• People with money
• Insecure
• Government
• People who have hacked before
What makes fingerprint identification different from password authentication?
• Fingerprint is harder to duplicate than passwords
• You need to be physically there to log in
• Hacker cannot be from a remote location
Where can fingerprint identification be applied to besides computer logins, web accounts, and networks?
• Alarms at home
• Garage
• Bank cards
• Cars
• Cellphones
When is fingerprinting identification not applicable to use?
• When a strong password is being used
Why would someone use fingerprinting ID on top of password authentication?
• Double security, more security than what they already have.

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