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Console Framework Classes 20103 - OOP344

998 bytes added, 11:02, 18 November 2010
bool _readOnly;
Keeps the status of the text being read only, or editable. (note that when read only, you can still scroll the text to left and right or up and down, but you can't modify the text).<br />
This flag is passed to iol_edit for the same reason.
int _curpos;
int _offset;
Variables to be used with iol_edit to edit the lines of text.
int _lcurpos;
Line Cursor Position; this variable keeps track of which line of text the cursor is on. _lcurpos is zero if the cursor is on the fist line appearing in the Border.
int _loffset;
Offset Of the First Line; this variable keeps track of which line is the first appearing in the border. _loffset is zero if the line of the text is appearing on the fist line of the Border.<br /><br />
'''_lcurpos''' and '''_loffset''' have the same responsibility as _curpos, and _offset, but only for lines of the text. So as the left and right scrolling is done by manipulating _offset and _curpos, up and down scrolling of lines in the text are done by manipulating '''_loffset''' and '''_lcurpose'''

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