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Team B IRC Logs 20103 - OOP344

42,557 bytes added, 01:00, 2 December 2010
New log for Dec1
<p>'''-Nov24, 2010'''</p>
fardad_afk is now known as fardad
fardad: hello
Team B: ping?
fardad: pong!
fardad: pong
fardad: we have a lot of question
before we begin,
don't forget to add my name under the team members and assign a task
If you like my help :)
ok I am all eyes....
james, do u want to ask first?
i dont even know wut to ask, im just so confused lol
ok, i'll ask first
go ahead
fardad: i'm working on the FWDialog
fardad: so in FWDialog::draw(int fn) how do we draw all the Fields in the Dialog.
not really
read the desc properly
depending on what is the value of fn, draw works differently
first we draw FWBorder::draw(fn);
only if fn is Refresh or full_frame
for example if ((fn == FW_REFRESH)||(fn = FW_FULL_FRAME)){
// Then draw all the Fields in the Dialog.
then if fn is 0, draw everything and then start editing the first editable
obogomaz: what are you refereing to? what I did in class?
obogomaz: ?
obogomaz: ping?
fardad: pong
fardad: in FWDialog::draw(int fn) under two conditions we have to
draw all the Fields in the Dialog.
obogomaz: you didn't answer my question:
are you refereing to the wiki description, or the example I did in class?
fardad: sorry, wiki description for FWDialog::draw(int fn)
then yes, the conditions are right,
under two conditions all the fields are drawn, but if fn is greater than zero , then only the field number "fn" is drawn, and editing begins with that one.
i understand the conditions, i'm just a little confused on the actual statement to draw the fields since FWField does not have the draw function
obogomaz: ofcourse it does...
obogomaz: it inherits it from border
fardad: so we say FWField::draw()
daleee ( has joined #seneca-oop344
anyone know what this means for FWButton: "First draw() the Button, then surround it by squared brackets, place the cursor under the first character of Button's text and wait for user entry."
surround it by square brackets = wut?
daleee: means you first put the text on the screen, then do []'s around it and finally move the cursor forth again. a lot of jumping around, from what i understand
kmcdonald11: are we supposed to use iol_flag for the [ ] ?
[daleee] is surrounded by squred brackets
i didn't. i used putch('[');
daleee: run the example on matrix
oh yeah
forgot about that xD will do!
fardad: in FWLineEdit, we use iol_edit. it says to use some of FWLineEdit's attributes to call iol_edit();, but things like readOnly and isTextEditor aren't specified in FWLineEdit (unless I'm mistaken). do we just pass in what makes sense for our case in 1s and 0s?
fardad: also In FWDialog::edit(int fn) how do we begin editing from the first editable Field or go to next editable Field.
kmcdonald11: yes
put them in a loop and check for the editable to be true,
and run the first one
and then depending on users action, loop to next, or previous
is it cool if I keep asking questions, or shall I wait until Oleg has finished?
fardad: thanks
kmcdonald11: go ahead
kmcdonald11: it's ok you can go ahead now
kmcdonald11: that is very normal in IRC
alright. in a few of Field's children, there are functions that as us to make Field's _data point to something. would you use
this->_data = temp; ?
or should there be more to that?
and temp being whatever the new thing is
very correct and ok
alright, and one more
there's a part in FWButton where we call iol_display(). the first data type it takes is a string, but since we're dealing with our void* _data, would you use:
iol_display((char*)this->_data, ..etc);
you can just do (char*)_data
pretty sure
kmcdonald11: perfectly correct
yeah, the whole "this->" thing helps me grasp the "this object" idea. but they should both do the same
alright, those were my 3 questions. thank you!
daleee: yours is correct too, but kmcdonald11 is bug proof
my turn? :D lol
jrobinson7: go...
ok working on void set(const void *Str)
is "the newline delimited array of characters" refering to the Str?
jrobinson7: are you talking about text?
sorry yes FWText
jrobinson7: wow, already there... cool, ok, go ahead
and the asnwer is yes
ok and i must convert it into an array of strings, wut is that refering to?
I coded two classes that you can use, a dynamic array of strings and a double linked list
or you can design your onw
ok team B which would you guys like for us to use?
the easier one to understand
dynamic array of strings probably
although linked lists would give us practice..
but doesn't matter to me
easier to understand sounds good to me since im already confused as hell
doesnot matter to me either as long as we are done on time
yeah, go with dynamic array
im having a bunch of issues with fwdialog as well
im still not sure how to use this lol
* fardad
is back
which part?
daleee is now known as daleee[afk]
fardad: one more question if it's ok?
jrobinson7: try the array separatly first
obogomaz: go
for FWDialog FWDialog::add(FWField* field, bool dynamic)
is this how we add new field to the array
_fld[_fnum+1] = new FWField;
_fld[_fnum+1] = field;
obogomaz: give me a second ok?
ok, thanks
obogomaz: Ok, the action of allocating/creating a new Field is done by the one calling the add method
obogomaz: (look at the main I wrote)
obogomaz: all you need to do, is to assing it to the next _fld in array
if i use ur dynamic array is it as easy is using a normal array? such as _lines[i][j] = data
obogomaz: and to make sure your set is allocation flag (_dyn) to the proper value, depending on _fld being passed by address (flag is true) or passed by reference (flag is false)
ok, i'll look at the main first, thanks Fardad
jrobinson7: _line[i][j] refers to a single characher
jrobinson7: _line[i] referes to a string (one line of text)
jrobinson7: at least walk through the source first :)
well i was doing one character at a time lol
jrobinson7: again, the code is "use at your own risk" I will not assure you of it being easy or bug free....
jrobinson7: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jrobinson7: whatever makes you happy :)
jrobinson7: I think actually that woudl work ok....
well if i did it right then i shall be very happy lol
ok anyone, it is getting close to 10, any questions?
obogomaz: welcome
not at the moment, thank you Fardad
ok everyone, if there is no question, I'll be gone...
ok thank you very much
gnite everyone....
fardad has left freenode (Quit: I wanna go home; Take out this uniform and leave the show...)
i think having all these functions with return 0 looks perfect to me :D
it's confusing for sure
<p>'''-Nov26, 2010'''</p>
[18:04] <@fardad> hello
[18:05] <@fardad> team b: ping?
[18:06] <kmcdonald11> pong
[18:06] <kmcdonald11> i'm the only one here, i guess
[18:09] <@fardad> kmcdonald11: ok,
[18:10] <@fardad> kmcdonald11: branch the trunk and then do it there
[18:10] <@fardad> I see that I have valedit
[18:11] <@fardad> I will do it, by tomorrow morning
[18:11] <@fardad> are we ok?
[18:12] <kmcdonald11> yep. i don't really have any questions.. i've done everything i've can except valedit, which we might as well give to you :)
[18:12] <@fardad> no problmo
[18:12] <@fardad> then the meeting is over,
[18:12] <@fardad> i will do valedit
[18:12] <kmcdonald11> thank you!
[18:12] <@fardad> gnite then
<p>'''-Nov31, 2010'''</p>
Channel view for “#rep3” opened.
YOU (obogomaz) have joined #rep3
Mode #rep3 +ns by
jrobinson7 ( has joined #rep3
kmcdonald11 ( has joined #rep3
check is so short but the tester is so messed up for me
how we see the working testers?
what do you mean?
which testers work?
ddidn't the teacher say something about having compiled versions of the testers so we can see wut its suppose to do?
like .exe files? i'm not sure how to do that on windows
but i won't bother just yet
since we're not doe editing
i jus wanna see wut its suppose to look like
it's on matrix
log in and at command line, just type "~fardad.soleimanloo/tx" and replace x with a test number
the info for it's on wiki
cant even connect ><
all that's missing are some borders around text fields
i cant even get test 6 to run
check's alignment is reallly off. trying to see what's up with it now
test 5?
oh, look at his code for t6
there's comments you have to take out
oo the 2 comments? thanks
oleg where did the teacher have fn = 0?
did that, in dialog, trying to find why border around linedit field not drawing...test3
well i dont have that, thats why im askin! lol
i got it too
line edit is a field, and field isn't passing a container to border to draw
pretty sure you just change field's constructor
but i can't figure out how
you have to pass it a FWBorder* fortheContainer
i believe fardad was explaining that in class
i think it's in linedit's draw
// If Border is visible, call Border's draw
we never do it
yeah, i have it commented out in mine already
that's the source of our endless loops
endless loop with test7 rofl
test 7 is text, right?
that's the last one?
ya im not working on it now, just wanted to see how well it was and jus loops and loops lol
hm even test 1 seems buggy
how so?
draws it twice
i mean draws each border twice
first draws it one spot above where its suppose to go then draws it where its suppose to be
is it because of the buffering?
or im going nuts staring at this crap
ya if u go into fwborder::draw
and put a break on the last line of the function (mines 71)
u can see it prints twice
maybe its suppose to tho lol if i do that and try moving the containter, it prints the containter, then prints the Movin! ESC: exit in the top right and the container is printed again 1 line down
is it because it's refreshing?
i have no idea.. it seems right to me. works like fardad's from what i can tell
but if you find an error i'll change it
for t1, the only thing calling draw is the test
put a break in fwborder::draw(refresh)
at the end of the function
and u'll see
alright.. i'll try it in a bit. it seems fine for me but i'll add a break later
it may be because the border we can see is actually already inside a container
it's just invisible
the top "moving" thing is supposed to be on top though
that's what fardad's does
is text done, btw? i didn't know if i should remove it off of the current tasks or not
o hell no
buuut thats why i wanted to see fardads compiled tests
not sure wuts wut, and the height my class is getting is wrong for the container its in and i have no idea why
well, done = compiling. i don't mean don debugging
ps, i'm not sure if you're trying to use zenit for his testers or not.. but matrix works fine in case you know that password
i cant log in
to matix?
should be the same password as your email
ya im an idiot and put zenit.senecac
but now that i see it i see my alignment isn't off woot
i added a break and i wasn't seeing doubles
no not doubles
but prints it on one line then push f5 to cycle thru and it prints on the line below
like when u goto move it to the left
oh, yeah, i saw that
the container
like when u dont see moving
or Moving! w/e
there is still something wrong with dialog too, so that could be your problem too, i'm just looking into border around visible fields and why the alignment is off in test5
its on one line, then it prints it all again and because of the Moving! crap it goes down one
moving prints on top of everything, so it wouldn't be because of that
then i have no idea
there's an invisible container.. maybe because of that. idk, it looks just like fardad's when i run it
if i have time i'll check it out
well i couldn't see fardads test do that and could see it in ours
but like fardad says windows doesn't have that buffer crap so wont run as smooth so that could just be why
making progress on check
few changes
radio button is being a pain, but already looks much better than it did an horu ago
still can't figure out dialog container and offset for help box in test5, any ideas, anyone?
no idea
still gotta fix our loop problem too
and i dunno why it wont draw the inner container on the last test
i'll look at it soon. i tihnk i'm almost done 6
what loop problem?
well im SUPPOSE to callthe parents draw but if i have that it just loops
just don't call it
it happens for all of ours in every function we're supposed to call draw
either we're taking it too literally, or he wrote it wrong
because it will automatically draw
not the inner border lol
then perhaps it's again with the container that's not showing up
wut we call to jus clear the screen?
iol_clrscr i think
got it so it doesn't print it in 2 spots
where in the world if fardad?
we've had zero help from him :(
o ya btw
fardad said rogers cancelled his internet or some shit
ha.. good timing
ya thats why he just left last night... or well so he says
t6 is pretty good.. just doesn't work with the radio button
umm in test 4
after u push escape do u get a break pop up?
i used to. if you scroll up, i said to remove the destructor so it's empty
hm.. maybe i didn't. i thought i did. maybe it was in the old conversation, but i closed it already
anyways, yeah.. jsut remove the stuff in button's destructor
and esc will work
i was gonna say i REALLY dont remember that haha
i remember u saying that u commented stuff out in the tester file
so just comment out free(_data)
ahh nice :)
o question, in ur test 3, if u push f2 does it exit for u?
just remove the stuff in the destructor completely
and i don't think.. can't remember
i'm trying to focus on the ones that are completely broken
well it wasn't working for me
but i changed random crap and now it is lol
and the border doesb't shift anymore, cant seem to figure out any important fixes tho ><
t6.. the radio button thing in iol.c isn't working right. doesn't reutnr or something.. so the test is getting stuck there
i'll go commit check to trunk now
since i changed quite a bit
go ahead
but which files u change?
already did
just check
i thiiink
ok kool
i changed border a wii bit
branch is saying otherwise, but i'm not sure
and maybe txt but i dont remember
oh, i changed label a bit too
are you uploading or is it safe?
my f2 works fine, and i got inner border printing for test3 and5 just working on alignment in test5
we should just work on different stuff otherwise everybody make a small change here and there i have no idea what works and what not...
i just put my updates from label and check in there. i still can't get the radio button working, but i think it's an issue in iol.c
that's all i changed
kk well i just changed a couple of lines in border
can you put it in iol.6?
the problem for inner border not printing was in FWBorder
//if( _container!=NULL )
// _container->draw();
this creates infinite loop
it is
i was looking at that earlier, too!
so now all the boarders show up?
for which test?
not mine
even with those changes?
sorry commited the wrong damn text file lol
i'm gonna wait til everyone's changes are there and just rebranch it out to start working on the latest stuff
the borders show up, there are more changes to linedit constructor with height and drawing the border....i'll committ later
so take out
if( _container!=NULL )
so, just the radio button issue is left, i think?
and then text
no border for me
u run the test?
which test?
James, forget the border, i got it man...see if you can fix alignment for test 5
well it aint workin for me lol
isn't working for what?
which test?
test 7...
test 7 uses like all of the previous classes
i wouldn't try to fix text just yet if we haven't got this stuff down yet
super close
i jus wanna know if its like that for u guys too
i haven't even compiled t7
jus one click of the button :P
i'm trying to get the first onse out of the way so there will be less errors in t7
just so u know for test 5
theres suppose to be borders around where u enter data for name and all that
also when u push f1, the border is in the right spot, the font is being printed in the wrong spot
haha, i know. i ran it
lol ok just wanted to make sure
all tests that have individual containers aren't showing up right
cause i didn't know there were containers for name n stuff
and thought the font was in the right place and the container wasn't (for the help pop up i mean)
the container issue is pretty big.. that's why i was hoping fardad would be on
it's a very small change, but i can't figure it out
ok, the borders are printing in tests3 and 5 but the alignment of help and exit in 5 i can't seem to understand...i'm guessing it has to do with that _data + _offset in linedit draw and edit, we never add _offset as Fardad specifies
maybe. i think i'm going to start looking at the t5 help box because i haven't been able to solve the radio button issue yet
could you update and commit the changes?
i did add 2 things into trunk already
When Fardad says: Bordered being true or false) the Height is set to 3 or 1 respectfully. in one line function it is: Bordered?3:1 Right?
if bordered is true, the height will be 3
so i think that's how
i couldn't get it to set correctly
for some reason it always returns 3
is Bordered set to a default in the .h?
might be messing it up if the child isn't passing a border
i mean if the child isn't passing Bordered
border prints where u enter name in test 5?
i have it printing between lastname and number
working on it now
going to take a break from the radio button thing
i already have the border printing in the right place, just adjusting the height now...may be someone fines the alignment issue
border for wut?
and which alignment issue? i'll take a look if you've already got the border in the right spot
wut were u stuck on with test 6?
when you go down to the radio button, it doesn't change
it gets stuck there
and it also displays the wrong status
mine changes
right status
but seems to be stuck in a loop
then i think it's the same spot
like u can change the check box and its good
once you move down, can you get out?
change radio and it changes to Checked
yeah, check box is fine
seems like its the up button
well you should be able to hit down and it'll do the same
or once you get down to the radio, can you change it?
and the status changes
bbut then u cant move
and if ur on the checkbox
and hit up
and crashes
yeah, i get the crash. my radio button text won't change back and forth
like as soon as i select it, the O shows up but the text doesn't switch
i have borders drawing in test 5 perfectly but when you click ESC or F2 the menu's text is not aligned properly...
i've been trying to follow it for a while now
the help menu?
sorry help and exit menues
ahh, yes. i thought you meant you have those borders working. i'm trying to solve that and the radio button atm
now i have no idea how to commit what i have since i made a branch of changes in dialog, linedit, border and i think somewhere
ya im trying this radio
is the up key i believe
seems to put it in a damn loop
sorry i got the borders printing around the name phone lastname but the help menu text is offset higher
has anybody made any changes to border, dialog and linedit?
i've only had firm changes on button and label
ok i'll commit it now, is it ok?
yes please
almost done button
got it to work
CEPT when ur at the top and push up
i'm working with valedit's alignment.. and funny thing is that i can only get it to change if i mess with the tester program
and tell it to create the new dialog elsewhere
this is what it's using:
(iol_rows()- 10)/2, (iol_cols()-40)/2
i'll commit in 5min, i had the same idea about valedit...must be dialog's fault
i think it's in dialog, but dialog is receiving the correct values. i'll keep looking
i believe i got test 6 all working
commit after oleg and then we'll all start working from everyone's current version
i dont know which files i HAD to change for it to work tho
SHIT not working for test 3 grr
do some1 do me a fav and run test 3 please
don't update every file.. try and figure out which ones you changed. and if it breaks t3, i wouldn't upload it. earlier when i was working on button, i could've easily made it work a few times but it messed up other tests
didn't break it
made it so when u push up on name it didn't go down to the last field
and escape still dont work lol
and according to svn i changed dialog check label and text
wait thoughhh
when you hit up, it's supposed to go to the last editible field
if you are a tthe first editible, that is
i know
was saying what was wrong
but i fixed it
i thought you said you changed it so it didn't work. gah
now in check or w/e it doesn't go up from the radio button hahaha
i did say that
now i'm getting confused. does it still loop around through fields or no? for t3, that is
sorry, i committed already, updated border.cpp dialog.cpp linedit.cpp
yup works perfect
but with test 6
when ur on the radio, u cant go up to the check
oh.. it's always been that way for me haha
cause u can go down to it ;)
and u can go up from check to the radio
so u aren't stuck there
ohhhh, okay. i see. so down for the radio works now, and up on check doesn't crash
okay okay
you're hard ot understand
gee thanks
well you said you couldn't go up when on radio.. and mine's always been that way, lol
update/commits all around
well, i'll be going now...have a good night guys...get some sleep too...this is going to drive you crazy :)
Hey, James, what time are you heading to school tomorrow?
taking a 1:40 bus
get there about 3 ish
can please print that dbs stuff for me
i'm not working tomorrow, so might look at it tomorrow some more...please commit what you have
when are taking those pics?
i duno
but we both updated fialog
i'll finish up the dbs assignment, and then perhaps work more on this. we're pretty close.. like, 75% :P
sure. but u do a lot of work to dialog?
ya for dbs all u gotta do is make a view or something like that lol
i don't know now about the dialog, see which one works best i guess...we should really assign work so merging is a little easier...
yeah :/ i tried merging when you guys were at school and i still couldn't get it to work, lol
ya i dont like merging
even with a file u guys dont touch i have no luck lol
we should work on separate tasks then it's more efficient than jumping around...
i'll talk to you guys tomorrow, have a good night !!!
<p>'''-Dec1, 2010'''</p>
Channel view for “#rep3” opened.
YOU (obogomaz) have joined #rep3
kmcdonald11 ( has joined #rep3
oh, hey! sorry. i didn't realize you guys came online
i did send out a copy of dbs - completed unless i interpretted the last question wrong
ya jus ignore my other msgs
well it said to show X and Y.. i didn't know if he wanted it both in one select statement or seperate
and idk.. i did it the way i though
cool, can i ask who is workin on what for oop!?
i think we should run t1-6 first and see what issues remain :)
i'm going to go grab it all now
iol.6b is all the recent stuff?
umm thats my stuff
grab iol.6
read the svn log :)
not really, i have borders drawing for tests 3 and 5
im going thru the classes fixing random crap
looking into exit for check now
i'm just wondering where i should grab files from :P
half from iol.6 and half from iol.6b?
haha im trying to put the 2 codes together
cause when the borders were fixed with .6 other things were messing up
borders are fixed in just updated border and linedit in iol.6 to make borders print correctly in tests 3 and 5
wuts fixed?
i'll start from iol.6 then? and try and see what's left to work on
for t3, the border around the edit comes up but if you try and move it, it doesn't refresh. the editing also seems buggy if you get near the end of the line.. it jumps around and makes you press things twice. idk, we can leave that til the end
so far, that's the only thing i've found
moving onto the next test now
t4's issues are that the top+left corner label doesn't draw anymore, and it also doesn't refresh when you toggle display. it's still missing the borders around the buttons
doesn't clear when u push f1 or escape
we should make a list of bugs
for t4? f1 doesn't work for me, but esc does
my t6's radio button is still bugged
that's all i found
a few of them are missing the top+left labels now too
oh man.. so i just used fardad's tester for t6, and his radio button doesn't toggle. i guess it's not a bug?
thats the point of a radio button
can only change it to another radio button
awesome. alright, so bugs are: 1) 1st label isn't displaying, 2) screen isn't refreshing in t3 and t4 when moving/toggling, 3) f1 isn't escaping t4, 4) misc containers around things aren't displaying still, and t5) popup window is drawing border in the wrong spot
window is fine
well i mean
the txt is off
really? haha, in mine, the text shows in the right spot but the border is showing half off the screen
well compare it to the teachers test
cause i thought thats wut was wrong untill i saw his test and noticed the popup was down and to the right
is it actually half off the screen? lol
mine is, but if i open the terminal to be larger, it's like fardad's. so then it's the text that's not getting the positioning. i'll add that to the list
also down arrow busted jus a bit
appears to be working fine for mine :s
i made a list of known bugs on wiki to refrence
ones that are bugs for both of us
u sure?
test 5, push escape
push up, then push down
ahh, no, when i do that sequence i get the error
i'm going to take a look at t5's text and try and align it with the border
k im working on the down arrow
i'm looking into why left top lable is not drawing anymore
i am having no luck here
as soon as the border is drawn, the cursor is in the right place.. it then moves out to the weird spot. i'm slowly narrowing down the source, i believe
but yeah, it's slow
updated border and dialog into iol.6... borders draw ok now, on moving dialog refreshing ok now and top left label draws ok, f2 exits now as well...
going to work on esc key in test 6
it's not working roght?!
i meant right?!
hmm.. oleg, in border did you just make one of the drawing loops to:
y=1; y < _height-1; y++
or has it always started at 1?
because border seems to be a little off for t5 now, so i figured i'd try and fix that before trying to solve the alignment thing
ignore that question. seems to be somthing else causing it
i did change it because the border was drawing one more character in height. If you count the number of height lines in tester on matrix it's 13, i believe, and we had 14...because of that the inner border was coming out one line higher...
i have test 5 all ok, except that offset issue on help and exit's gotta be that _data + _offset in draw and edit in linedit that's causing it
still looking for that esc in test6
i think it's being passed the wrong row/col to draw on. lineedit just calls iol_draw, which is making it show up in the off spot. i'm trying to figure it out still but no luck tracing where they're coming from
perhaps _offset is what's causing the column to be off.. but there's still about 5 in height that's missing from somewhere
not sure, i just figured since we never implemented it...could be anything at this point...
ahh, Jimmy...had to change iol.c to make esc work in test6...
remember that isFunctionKey function...???
remember how i was telling you not all function keys are >
all fixed up now...test6 looks good
man i need new keyboard
from what i can tell, it's drawing the things at the wrong container's absRow+row and absCol+col.. if that makes sense. it appears to be taking the values from the name container and adding the specified row/col to that instead of taking the new dialog box
i believe it's because in the test, the help dialog box isn't created unless you actually hit help, and i think it's throwing it off
i'm so slow at this
may be, couldn't find the issue in the whole eve's gotta be something major
slow at?
trying to solve this
takes me forever
what sort of changes did you have to make in order to get the container showing in some situations? perhaps we're no passing a container somewhere and that's why it's using a previous one
same here, takes me forever
whhat's with the button?!
button's container's haven't shown up ever, lol
the container is passing fine, i believe, it does show the borders
my button crashes once i run that what you have too?!
nope.. must be different versions :( mine runs, it's just the container doesn't show when you toggle it on
works fine other than that
where can i get that version!?
i can look at it now if that's ok?!
sure. i'm working on the files in kmcdonald11/testing.4/debug6
can i take the button from there?!
i believe it's a copy of the one that i got out of iol.6 earlier
i haven't changed anything in it
i thought i had that copy, let me take it out again
ok, got fresh copy out off trunk, so just the border and shifting on f10?!
any idea why test on matrix is not working either?!
got the borders drawing around the buttons, but the alignment is also off...must be an issue somewhere else...
for alignment, do you mean when you toggle the border on, the text moves?
i really have no idea as to why t5's popup text is so far off. i don't know why it's sending weird numbers to iol_display
i wish fardad would come online :(
updated iol.6 ... new border.cpp and button.cpp ... test6 for button fixed as far as i can see...
if the popup window thing is all that needs fixing, i say we move onto test 7
i'm getting nowhere with it
sorry Kaitlyn, i have no idea either...i spent forever looking for it yesterday and today...worst comes to worst we leave it for now...
btw, i think we should tag whatever we have by tonight...Fadad did say he postponed the due date till tonight
yeah, tag by 12 for sure. so t7 it is!
since fardad hasn't helped us with any questions yet, he can solve that one :)
what is the issue with 7, never looked at it yet...except for testing once
working on draw
where have u's all your fault
working on text
remember isFunctionKey function...???
never mind, i was just joking...Where are you at with Text?!
What issue do you want me to look into?!
anything ud like
lemme commit my crap
after you're don, let me know. i'm going to put a new copy of some .h files that didn't have the safeguard
or i'll just watch the wesite to check
sorry i haven't been any help for t7 yet.. i can't even get mine to compile just yet. i've tried like 5 times now :P i'll rebranch and start fresh
not much help from me either, no idea what is going on here...
i just grabbed all from trunk and i still can't compile :l now i'm worried
wowww, now i see
fwbutton.cpp in trunk has the whole file twice in side of it
halfway down, it starts all over again
or i just didn't update
in label.cpp's source, the very last function (set) has
iol_movecur(2,2); iol_prnstr((char*)str);
we'll have to take that out before we tag
i think i was using that for debugging earlier
sorry ya
i took that out awhile ago
this text is bein a pain
i could not compile that iol.6 solution as well, i just made a new one...
so should i make a new file with updated code or someone is already on it!?
the problem with iol.6 is button.cpp. if you open it, halfway through the file, it starts all over again :P that, and removing the print in label.cpp's set function
u mean test 6?
oh, no the files in iol.6 at the moment
they don't compile, but those are the reasons why
might be my bad...sorry
still could not compile it from the beginning...
so are you checking all of the test now, Kaitlyn or should i...we have so many changes to so many files, i would not be surprised if some of the stuff would not work
o ok my bad
i'll start going through them now and upload what i have
wut test doesn't it compile with?
ok, thanks. just let us know where you put them so we can see what else to do...
o doesn't compile with test 6
test 7 is all screwed up...
no shit lol
it's ok, Kaitlyn is on it...!!!
i cant even get down to work
i know the prob
thats why im asking
label and check
lavbel remove iol_movecur in the set like kaitlyn had said
and fwcheck
void* FWCheck::data(){
return (void*)_flag;
void* FWCheck::data(){
return &_flag;
there commited
no idea what you are talking's done in mine already...
not in trunk
well now it is
are we all working on the same the trunk....!?
all i did was change a line of code for test 6 not to crasy
i just branched the current iol.6 to my files, ran and tested all but 7
and it's fine
minus the popup dialog
perfect can you please tag it
iol.6 at revision 391
i'm going to tag it iol.6 too.. that's what the website says. i don't know where .5 went to
i think it should 0.6
oh, yes
same dif
there, it's in there
perfect, we still have to finish it no matter what...according to Fardad
:( and here i was excited to be done with it
well whatever the app is for it is not going to work, so he said it's either pass or incomplete...
not too thrilled about it
it's getting there, just a little slower than Fardad said it
3 hours for Dialog
3 for Text
hopefully he'll be willing to help us with it
i”l be going, have a good night guys, i'll see you all tomorrow...Jimmy sleep on some ideas for sys presentation....

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