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PostgreSQL Adapter-nexj/Adapter

56 bytes removed, 16:00, 17 November 2010
| public || void appendLikeEscape(StringBuffer buf) [where A.first_name like ? escape '\\' /* 1 */] [parse("(and (like? firstName \"J*\")]|| testRead(), testUnicodeCharset() ||not started || ---
| public || void close(Connection connection)|| All the tests (After commit, closes the conncetion) ||---|| --- || not started || ---
| public || SQLConnection getConnection(Query query) throws SQLException|| All the tests ||---|| --- || not started || ---
| public || String getInitialSQL() || Before any test and during testMatch() (Gets SQL statement to execute when a connection is first established) ||---|| --- || not started || ---
| public || Table getMatchJoin(Column column, Pair expression) || testMatch() (see the comment for appendMatchStatement() in SQLAdapter) ||---|| --- || not started || ---
| public || void setFetchSize(PreparedStatement stmt, Query query) throws SQLException || All the tests EXCEPT testUpgrade(), testSQLUpdateDenorm() ||---|| --- || not started || ---

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