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Fedora/Firefox Repository Setup for Nightly and Beta builds

677 bytes added, 10:17, 12 November 2010
no edit summary
*Brett van Gennip
*Yauheni Eugene Khabian (Eugene MIA) If your still around please contact us.
*Vitalijs Bluzmans
*Tarinur Choudhury
== Project News ==
''' November 12th, 2010 '''
setup a different profile for
That i run firefox and minefield together the way i just describe it.
what does he want ? can we do it or is the builders Responsibility to figure it out... or does it even matter
TARIN > It sounds like it is related to profiles
TARIN IS Compiling 32 bit minefield on Chile
TARIN IS Compiling 64 bit minefield on IRAQ
Problems :
REVISIT SPEC FILE - Figure out how to make it more
Vitaly - Figure out signing of public keys - password: senecaCdot
Eugene - make a spec file by the end of the day
''' November 6th, 2010 '''

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