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FSOSS 2010 Plug Computing Workshop

2,461 bytes added, 12:54, 27 October 2010
Created page with 'This page outlines the Plug Computing workshop held at [ FSOSS 2010] - Thursday, October 28, 2010, room T2108. == Getting the Root Filesystem Image == # Dow…'
This page outlines the Plug Computing workshop held at [ FSOSS 2010] - Thursday, October 28, 2010, room T2108.

== Getting the Root Filesystem Image ==

# Download this file and save it on your local disk:

== Copying the rootfs to the microSD Card ==

# Remove the microSD card from the GuruPlug.
# Insert the card into the card reader on your PC. A window should appear; it is OK to leave this window open.
# Open a terminal window (menu option Applications>System Tools>Terminal).
# Request administrator/superuser privilege by typing: <code>su</code>
# Change to the directory containing the microSD card: <code>cd /media/*</code>
# Erase everything on the card ('''type this command very carefully!'''): <code>rm -rf /media/*/*</code>
# Unpack the rootfs onto the microSD card: <code>tar xvf ~fsoss/Downloads/rootfs-f12.tar.bz2</code>
# The files have been unpacked into a directory named rootfs-12. Move them out of that directory: <code>mv rootfs-f12/* .</code>

== Preparing the rootfs Image: Turning On the Lights ==

Since the GuruPlug doesn't have a screen, it's hard to know if the system has booted properly. Fortunately, the GuruPlug has LEDs on it, and we can use those LEDs to check that the system is booting properly. Let's program them to flash when the system is booted.
# Change to the directory containing the startup scripts: <code>cd /media/*/etc/rc.d</code>
# Add code to the rc.local script to flash the lights:
for LAMP in /sys/class/leds/*/trigger
echo heartbeat >$LAMP/trigger

== Try it! ==

# Umount the microSD card.
# Remove the card from your PC.
# Insert the card into your GuruPlug.
# Remove the GuruPlug power cable connector.
# Attach the GuruPlug power prongs.
# Plug the GuruPlug into a power jack.
# Give it some time to boot up.
# If the red LEDs are flashing, success! (If not, find out what's going wrong and fix it).

== Plug your Plug into the Network ==

# Remove the GuruPlug power prongs.
# Re-attach the GuruPlug power cable connector.
# Add your GuruPlug into the network shelves at the front of the room.

== Connect to your GuruPlug ==

To connect to your plug over the network, you'll need to connect to the computer managing the GuruPlug cluster, which is named "HongKong".
# Connect to HongKong: <code>ssh -XC hongkong</code> (password is "fsoss10")
# Connect to your plug: <code>ssh ''nameOfYourPlug''</code>

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