=Repositories' Syncing Project=
: Main website @ http://mercurial.selenic.com/
: Mozilla Mercurial @ https://wiki.mozilla.org/Mercurial_on_Windows
: compare version controls [http://martinfowler.com/bliki/VersionControlTools.html]
: Understanding Mercurial @ http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/UnderstandingMercurial
: Tutorial-wiki @ http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/Tutorial
: Installing in windows[http://www.codza.com/mercurial-with-ssh-setup-on-windows]
: More about installation [http://www.aventinesolutions.nl/mediawiki/index.php/Quick_Tip:_Getting_Started_with_Mercurial]
===Mercurial on Eclipse===
: Eclipse-Mercurial [http://www.javaforge.com/wiki/76412]
: Eclipse-Mercurial Video [http://blogs.intland.com/main/entry/39]-[http://code.google.com/p/hgeclipse-demo/ Demo]
: Documentation for Eclipse-Mercurial [http://bitbucket.org/mercurialeclipse/main/wiki/Documentation]
===[[ User:Minooz/Mercurial/notes | Notes]]===
* 1- First challenge is how to trim history of a repository.
: We have a Mercurial repository called A. We want to clone repo A and create a new repo called B.
: It's possible to use 'init' and create a new repo and just copy the files from repo A and add them.
: This way the revision number will reset. And we will start repo B from the tip of the repo A.
: The problem appears if we want to clone just the tip of the repo A and keep the same revision number of the 'tip'.
: Here are some links that we went through, but no success yet.
:[http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/EditingHistory Trimming History]
:[http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/hgrc.5.html .hgrc file]
:[http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/TipsAndTricks mq strip changeset]
:[http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/EditingHistory Editing History!!]
==Continuous Integration System==