→Test Notes
| 109 || [http://www.chromeexperiments.com/detail/galactic-inbox/ Galactic Inbox] || Crystal de Nobrega || Sept 17, 2010 || Loads as fast as Chromium. Game is slower in every other aspect.... which made it easier to win! || Choppy. Definitely choppy. || Definitely SLOW - but you can still play the game. || Chromium did freeze up and lag in the game, but only a few times, and only during the boss battle.
| 110 || [http://www.chromeexperiments.com/detail/thrust/ Thrust] || Crystal de Nobrega || Sept 17, 2010 || Loads up quickly. Speed seems alright. || - Controls and movement seem smooth. The entire game is just really glitchy. || - Unable to fire! All other controls seem to work well. || The graphics are really glitchy. The stars in the sky are gone, the ground and other objects are liable to disappear and (maybe) re-appear right away. I stopped playing the game when everything (including the space ship) disappeared, leaving one green object in the middle of the screen. No sound effects. Once you die, the game doesn't restart - even though there are lives left. It gets stuck.