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1 byte added, 12:10, 4 October 2006
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XUL is an [ XML] language and thus has the advantages of inserting other XML languages into it such as [ XHTML], [ MathML] and [ SVG]. Also because of its localized structure it can be easily translated into other languages.
==Common UseagesUsages==* textboxes Textboxes and inputs
* Toolbars and buttons
* navigation Navigation menus
* Tabbed windowing systems
* Keyboard Mnunomics Mnemonics and input handling
==Suported Supported Technologies==
* HTML 4.0 and XHTML
* CSS2 and some of CSS3
*[ XUL Programmers RefrenceReference]
*[ XUL 1.0 Specification]
*[ XUL tutorial]

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