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961 bytes added, 11:58, 4 October 2006
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=Simply Put: What is NSPR?=
NSPR - The Netscape Portable Runtime - a API that allows all operating systems to appear as the same operating system to MOzilla for making it possible to create code that is cross-platform.
=What Does NSPR Do?=
In order to write code that is cross-platform, a platform abstraction library is needed to provide uniform service for a wide range of operating systems. NSPR provides a layer of abstraction between platforms and services. The services that NSPR offers are: threads, thread synchronization, normal file and network I/O, interval timing and calendar time, basic memory management (malloc and free) and shared library linking. A detailed description of how NSPR works with these services is located [ here]. Much like the Java Vitural Machine (JVM), NSPR controls a consistent behaviour for each of these services, regardless of which operating system is being used.

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