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User:Sdowne/summer 2010 worklog august

3,134 bytes added, 11:08, 10 September 2010
no edit summary
Wednesday August 18th<br />
*Worked on [ phase two] of popcorn refactoring
Thursday August 19th<br />
*Finished [ phase two] of popcorn refactoring* started work on fixing [ text leading]
Friday August 20th<br />
* Continued working on [ text leading]
* I assessed the main problem with textLeading. it has to do with infinite recursion because of calling processing instances inside createGraphics which calls another processing instance, etc. This is caused by the way I solved ascent and descent. Blogged about it.
* the other problems with textLeading was some code I wrote to make the results looks the same as p5, which I shouldn't of had to do, the reason they looked off was because of my previous ascent and descent were incorrect. Now that I fixed those a couple days ago, some of text leading can use the previous code. Basically, I took my failed code, and the original code, merged what works in both; it wasn't too hard.
Monday August 23st<br />
* Ok, [ text leading] is going to require a small, but efficient class to emulate the text drawing of processing. This will also be faster.
* I got the class working in a reduced little demo, I just need to add it to processing and I will be done.
Tuesday August 24nd<br />
* finished and submitted [ textLeading]
* Popcorn conference call with Brett, Corban, Joel, Anna, and Jason. We talked about Popcorn's future, using a wrapper for the video element, to emulate the html5 video element's functionality, but to wrap multiple videos into seemingly one video. Could also be used for flash or canvas(to create a test suite). Also talked about switching from xml to JSON, and exporting xml or JSON.
* Started commenting the processing.js parser.
Wednesday August 25th<br />
* Did an early fix of a small bug in [ text leading]
* blogged about my recursion fix
* continued commenting processing parser
* besides going through and understanding the code, I am done with a general comment at the beginning of the parser. This comment will be a work in progress, which I will add to as I get a complete grasp on the parser. I am shooting for 15-20 lines.
* there are six large regexs left that need a comment, I finished the comment for the largest regex.
* started going through the code and adding a comment at the beginning of each major function, I am about 30% through the whole parser, but I suspect not all of it will need to be done.
* I think it's fair to say I can be done tomorrow, and come back to it for a day in the future after the review process.
Thursday August 26th<br />
Monday Friday August 21st27th<br />
Tuesday Wednesday August 22nd29th<br />
Wednesday Thursday August 23rd30th<br />*
[[category:Summer 2010 August]]
[[category:Scott's Work Log]]

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