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681 bytes added, 15:53, 30 July 2010
no edit summary
'''28 Wednesday'''
* packages with dependacy dependency issues rebuilt manually using mock on the builders.* imported into koji, db4-4.8 readdedre-added.* paperwork required by HR, ie transcript arranged with Registration.* blog about Koji breakage and packages needing attention for arm (patching). '''29 Thursday''' * with the addition of compat-db koji working again* execute build-previous script and react to issues as they arise, ie version mismatch.* changes made to tags* started to package mkrootfs '''30 Friday''' * additional correspondence and telephone conversation with HR.* version mismatch issue resolved.* re-queue all tasks that failed due to version mismatch problem.* additional changes to tags to prevent version mismatch for packages from dist-f11, dist-f12* filed bugzilla report#619895 for avahi

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