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:::: [[Image:Tunnel.png]]
* Establish a tunnel using a local port on fedora2 of 20808, that connects to the remote port on fedora1 of 80, using the following command on fedora2:
** <code>ssh -L 20808:fedora1:80 user@fedora1</code>
{{Admon/note | Note! | The -L (which means Local port) takes one argument of <pre><local-port>:<connect-to-host>:<connect-to-port></pre> The command basically connects your local port of 20808 to the remote port of 80 on fedora1. This means all requests to 20808 on the localhost (fedora2) are actually tunnelled through your ssh connection to port 22 on fedora1 and then delivered to port 80 on fedora1, bypassing the firewall. }}
* Once the tunnel is established use netstat to verify the port 20808 is listening on fedora2