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Replacing Panels with Docking Station (awn)

503 bytes added, 09:59, 21 July 2010
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''Approprimately 5 months ago, I switched to AWN (Avant Window Navigator) that operates like a Mac OSX docking station, thus negating the use of panels…
… I will NOT be returning to panels… I like AWN that much!''
I find awn to allow me to work very efficiently on my computer system, and provides a very clean interface.
It is very easy to configure awn (right-click on docking station to Edit Docking Preferences).
I no longer require a separate panel to show applications that are currently running, the docking station places an arrow below the icon to indicate the number of instances of that application. If I require to go to that instance, I just click on the icon and select that instance from a menu...

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