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How to Collaborate On-line

497 bytes added, 16:43, 12 July 2010
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<li>Enter a host number to connect (preferably '''''' or '''''') for testing purposes.</li>
<li>Click the Connect button, and click the '''"I agree"''' checkbox in the NINJAM Server License Agreement, and then click the '''Accept''' button.</li>
<li>Switch to the Jack Connections dialog box. Select the ALSA tab, and connect the device (In my situation, Tascam US-122) to Bristol (B3) Organ.</li>
<li>Then select the AUDIO tab. You should now see ASIO_NINJAM. Make the necessary connections. You should now be able to perform in the session...</li>
</ol>'''NOTE:''' When you are performing, you are creating on ogg file of your performance, which is saved on your computer! You can view (or change) the default location of the saved files...
To be completed...

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