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How to Collaborate On-line

184 bytes added, 16:37, 12 July 2010
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<li>'''Open a shell terminal window''', and use wine to start the Ninjam client. Your situation will be different than the following example, but let's assume that Ninjam client has been copied over to my home directory, and my home directory pathname is /home/msaul. Under that assumption, the command to startup the Ninjam client would be:
<br /><br />'''wine /home/msaul/NINJAM/ninjam.exe'''<br /><br /></li>
<li>When the Ninjam Client application window appears, click on the '''Options''' menu, then click '''Audio Configuration'''.[[Image:ninjam5.png|thumb|350px|right ]]</li>
<li>The NINJAM audio I/O configuration dialog box will appear.</li>
<li>Set the Input/Output System to '''ASIO'''.</li>
<li>'''Switch back to the NINJAM audio I/O configuration dialog box''', click '''OK''' to exit ...</li>
<li>'''Switch to the Ninjam Client window'''.</li>
<li>Click on the '''file ''' menu, then select '''Connect'''.</li>
<li>The NINJAM Connection Configuration dialog box will appear.</li>
<li>Enter a host number to connect (preferably ''' ''' or '''''') for testing purposes.</li> <li>Click the Connect button, and click the '''"I agree"''' checkbox in the NINJAM Server License Agreement, and then click the '''Accept''' button.</li>

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