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How to Collaborate On-line

15 bytes added, 10:52, 12 July 2010
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'''It is incorrect to think that Ninjam allows users to play in "real-time". This would be impossible due to delays or what is referred to as "latency".''' As the  '''The Ninjam Guide "Ninjam in a Nutshell" states:'''
In order to deal with this challenge, Ninjam allows user to collaborate in "Fake-Time". A common beat track is used, which allows users to start recording their measure, then other user's will start playing their measures, etc.   The Ninjam in a Nutshell" guide then states:
''"The end result is that nobody hears the exact same jam. It’s a bit contrary to classical jamming and requires everyone to adhere to a common tempo, but once you get used to it many find that it’s compatible with most styles of jamming and the strict tempo enhances the experience."''

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