no edit summary
* CDOT meeting, demo'd Popcorn.js
* Worked on Processing.js again, and did three small tickets [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/757-exit-does-not-remove-the-instance-from-the-processinginstances remove instance] [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/752-arraylist-is-missing-setindex-value arrayList set] and [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/751-arraylist-is-missing-addint-index-object-value arrayList add]
* My two arraylist tickets did today were put under review needs work, but I think I may disagree for the reasons, being that my patch supports everything p5 does, but doesn't support what it doesn't do, meaning, I don't support its errors, just its functionality. I can add the errors easily, but I don't think it's the right thing to do and need to get a second opinion. I spent some time today talking to Pomax about this on irc, and did some testing and thinking on it, and I still think we should allow the quirks of javascript to shine through processing.js.
Thursday July 8th<br />