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User:Sdowne/summer 2010 worklog july

63 bytes added, 16:15, 6 July 2010
no edit summary
* fixed some html errors in the popcorn demo. Fixed a JavaScript error in the popcorn library [ here]
* Decided fade in and out were easier than grow and shrink, changing the size would do weird things, and display them as a block, and not inline. Also, growing htem from the middle wans't work, and just from bottm right or top left, decided it wasn't worth it and that fade in and out look just as good.
* Added a fade in and out to popcorn overlays and hard coded a default image link [ here], the default can be overwritten with overlay="link/to/new/png"
* Started finishing the credit's data. Finished [ here]
* Started debugging popcorn with jslint, jquery $ is a problem, will look into it more tomorrow.

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