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Newsgroups Summaries

541 bytes added, 14:04, 2 October 2006
Updated Publishing to MDC info
== Publishing to MDC ==
When I have now read all of your work has reached an acceptable level for publication on MDC I will approve itfirst summaries, and you can begin posting your summaries to [ MDC] instead of our wikiI'm impressed. There are a few places for improvement (I've emailed you all), but generally, you''Please do not do this until I have given you approvalve done a good job.'''
You should post your summary can all begin posting directly to the appropriate group page linked to from here[ MDC]. Melissa and Eva have already done this, so you can follow their example:
# Find your newsgroup title [] and follow the link.# Create a page for your summaries by date ([ here is an example]).# Create your summary like [ this]. NOTE the page title format: Provide a link on our wiki in your summary page (like [ this]) All of this must be done each Friday so that it can be announced in the Mozilla community on [ MDC]. If you have questions, please speak to me (dave).
Use the following naming convention for your summary pages (changing '''mozilla-dev-planning''' Feel free to put your newsgroup title): Then email dria and she'll post them to DevNews. You can ping Deb name('''dria'''s) on #seneca or #devmo your summary somewhere so that people get to ask questions about the aboveknow you as they read your work each week.

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