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Example of Building a Recording Studio

11 bytes added, 07:04, 24 June 2010
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* '''Placement (stack) of 2-3 keyboards''' to allow ease of use, yet allow access to MIDI controllers.<br /><br />
* '''Placement of Computer Keyboard / Mouse''' for smooth operation.<br /><br />
* '''Use Adjustable Drop-down lighting with dimmer switch above studio''' to help set mood for recording session.<br /><br />
* '''Add posters and Keyboard / Guitar charts''' to provide attractive yet functional display of home recording studio<br /><br />Here are examples of the types of posters:<br /><br />[[ keyboard Chart]] [[ Guitar Chart]]. I already had the keyboard chart for many, many years, but want to get the matching guitar chart. I like these types of charts since they are both decorative and functional... By the way, I'm not trying to sell these products, I just like them so I'm providing a link for reference...<br /><br />I will also include a few our my band's gig posters to set the mood as well...<br /><br />