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OOP244 - HOTYS Project Dev Page - 20101

742 bytes added, 23:04, 12 June 2010
Complex Functions: added the task distribution that will be updated after IRC meeting
A- [displayflagdisplayFlag()]
[edit(): LeftkeyLeft key]
[Test BCC platform]
B- [displayMenuItem()]
[edit(): RightKeyRight Key]
[Test VCC platfrom]
C- [edit(): Corrections before editing]
[edit(): BackspaceKeyBackspace Key]
[edit(): Enter and All function keys]
[Test Linux platform]
D- [edit(): Escape key, including Undo (memory allocation and release)]
[edit(): DeleteKeyDelete Key]
[edit(): data entry, insert mode]
[Test Mac platform]
E- [edit: Home and End Key]
[InsertKeyInsert Key] [TabKeyTab Key]
[data entry, overstrike mode]
[Overall review beofre before final release]</pre></big>  <p>The following is the task distribution after IRC group meeting. It will be updated.</p> <big><pre>HanA- [displayFlag()] [flag()] [edit(): Left key] [Test BCC platform] OzzyB- [edit(): Escape key, including Undo (memory allocation and release)] [edit(): Delete Key] [edit(): Right Key] [Test VCC platfrom] TonyC- [edit(): Corrections before editing] [edit(): Backspace Key] [edit(): Enter and All function keys] [Test Mac platform] YuJinD- [displayMenuItem()] [MenuItem()] [edit(): data entry, insert mode] [Test Linux platform] StephanieE- [edit: Home and End Key] [Insert Key] [Tab Key] [data entry, overstrike mode] [Overall review before final release]

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