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406 bytes added, 16:15, 25 May 2010
no edit summary
* Discussed and decided on ARM hardware purchases including storage requirements
* Began research on packaging in Fedora and requirements for obtaining packager status
'''17 Monday'''
* OCE Discovery
'''18 Tuesday'''
* OCE Discovery
'''20 Thursday'''
* connected all hardware back up after OCE Discovery, using fast ethernet switch to network GuruPlug as it suffers from reboots when connected to GigE.
* Began work on esia package, installing needed software on arm3.
'''21 Friday'''
* continued work on esia
* created certificates for arm3, adding it to koji database
'''25 Tuesday'''
* Worked on packaging esia, removing mount requirements and sudo commands from Makefiles.
* recieved shipment of 25 MicroSD, 2 Gigabit switches and 640GB hard drive.

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