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:So how can I do this same way as <iframe>? You can't right now
=== [http://groups.google.ca/group/mozilla.dev.tech.xul/browse_thread/thread/3331f2918d272742/238ffea39402e13b?hl=en#238ffea39402e13b I want to create dymanically multiple elements with datasource attribute. I want to create XUL element in the javascript, assign datasources/ref/template attribute to it so that the content is generated from the rdf datasource] ===
=== [http://groups.google.com/group/mozilla.dev.tech.xul/browse_thread/thread/55db17d4373bcb42/31e471205e4b5d4d#31e471205e4b5d4d How can I send XML/XUL document fragrement to the server instead of using GET or POST variables?] ===