:That feature isn't available yet. The code that implements it is waiting to be reviewed. See bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=321171
=== [http://groups.google.ca/group/mozilla.dev.tech.xul/browse_thread/thread/3331f2918d272742/238ffea39402e13b?hl=en#238ffea39402e13b How can I manage scrolling outside the browser?] ===
This problem can be solved by capturing the
focus events and giving the focus to another xul element or capturing
and canceling the keypress events
=== [http://groups.google.ca/group/mozilla.dev.tech.xul/browse_thread/thread/0e44d61bec2604be/55d6bfd713e5ba45?hl=en#55d6bfd713e5ba45 DrawWindow with transparent background possible?] ===
With Mozilla trunk
nsIDOMCanvasRenderingContext2D* c2d = //coming from <canvas>
nsIDOMWindow* window = //coming from <iframe>
c2d->DrawWindow( window, ..., "rgba(0,0,0,0)");
This makes canvas background transparent if background is transparent.
But when "window" is coming from top level content window, background is
not transparent.
So how can I do this same way as <iframe>? You can't right now
=== [http://groups.google.ca/group/mozilla.dev.tech.xul/browse_thread/thread/3331f2918d272742/238ffea39402e13b?hl=en#238ffea39402e13b I want to create dymanically multiple elements with datasource attribute. I want to create XUL element in the javascript, assign datasources/ref/template attribute to it so that the content is generated from the rdf datasource]
Create the element, set the datasources attribute then add the element
to the document. This should then create the database.
== UnAnswered Questions (UAQ) ==