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Requesting Application Software

5 bytes added, 10:25, 30 March 2010
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= Mind Mapping =
A '''''mind map''''' is a diagram used to help visualize a set a related ideas. The mind map starts with a central idea or object, and then other sub-ideas or objects (called nodes) branch-out from the center. You can use a mind map to help develop projects, presentations, or simply use to help solve a problem...
In order to determine your software needs, it is highly recommended to create '''Mind Map''' which is used to document your computer needs. Usually larger companies go through a similar process of systems system analysis and design and analysis which provided provides comprehensive documentation to build a computer system (eg. ''organizational charts'', ''Data-Flow-Diagrams'', ''System Flowscharts'', ''Ghantt Charts'', etc). A Mind Map allows a simple method to group computer needs to allow the AVIT department to find, install, and document the most appropriate computer application.

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