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OPS235 Lab 5 - Fedora17

59 bytes added, 12:14, 13 February 2010
Investigation 5: How do we turn system services on and off?
{{Admon/important| Security Advice | We have seen that maintaining unneeded users and groups can be a security risk due to the unnecessary increase in the complexity of your system. Similarly, it is also unnecessarily hazardous, and even more so, to leave unneeded services running. In this investigation, we will learn how to control services, and turn off those that we think are not necessary.}}
1. #Determine your current runlevel using the <code>runlevel </code> command. 2. #Change to the appropriate startup directory in a terminal window. For example, if your runlevel is 4, change to <code>/etc/rc.d/rc4.d</code> 3. Record #Observe the names of the symbolic links in that directory. 4. #Where do the links link to?#Run the menu option <code>System>Administration>Services</code>. You will then see the Service Configuration screen. 5. #Find the <code>isdn </code> service and select customize from the tool bar. and deselect the checkbox for your runlevel from step 1. Quit the app. 6. #Return to the terminal window you used in Step 2. Get a listing of the symbolic links in the startup directory. Is it any different from what you recorded in Step 3observed previously? 7. #Using the Service Configuration screen, reenable re-enable the <code>isdn </code> service. 8. Repeat step 6#Check the symbolic links again. What has changed this time? 9. #Run this command:#*<code>chkconfig isdn off</code>#Now what has changed in the directory?#Run this command:#*<code>chkconfig isdn on</code>#Now what has changed?#Run the command:#*<code>chkconfig --list</code>
chkconfig isdn off
10. Now what has changed in the directory?
11. Run this command:
chkconfig isdn on
12. Now what has changed?
13. Run the command:
chkconfig --list

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