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BIOF 20101 (AS1) - OOP344

3 bytes added, 23:04, 1 February 2010
void bio_displayMenuItem(..........)
<big>void bio_displayMenuItem(const char '''*format''', const char '''*menuItem''', int '''row''', int '''col''', int '''len''', int '''status''');</big>
Allows the user to display a menu-item at '''row''' and '''col''' on the screen with width of'''len'''. Depending on the value of '''status'''; being zero or non-zero, the menu-item will be surrounded by '''format'''characters or space respectively.
The '''menuItem''' argument will be always shown surrounded by two characters.
* <u>If status is zero</u>, then at '''row''' and '''col''' a <u>space</u> will be shown, then the'''menuItem''' followed by another <u>space</u>. If the length of '''menuItem''' is less than (len-2), then enough spaces will be printed up to make the length (len-2).
<pre>"Hello"</pre> with 10 as len will be printed as : <pre>" Hello "</pre>

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