→Investigation 5: How do You Secure the Grub Boot Loader?
We will need to choose a password, encrypt with the grub programs hash utility (called md5crypt), and add the encrypted hash of your password to the grub configuration file, /etc/grub.conf
{{Admon/warnimportant|Do not lose the GRUB password|If you lose the GRUB password you will not be able to change boot parameters when you boot the system. If you need to write it down, put it in a safe place, where no one will be able to tell what it is for.}}
# Choose a suitable password.
# Save the file and exit. Your Grub boot loader is now password protected.
# Find the section of this article that explains how to change the runlevel at boot time, and read it. Reboot your system, trying to change to runlevel 1 from the boot prompt, and see if the password protection worked.
# From now on, when you want to change boot parameters when you boot, you must type lowercase <code>p</code> at the boot prompt and enter the required password.
== Completing the Lab ==