→OOP344 northWind87: Skeleton is up
= Linked Lists: A Conceptual Look =
== ABOUT: Why are we talking about linked lists? ==
== ADVANTAGES: So, what's so good about a linked list? ==
== DISADVANTAGES: Well there has to be a downside! ==
== DESIGN: What is a "linked List"? ==
== ELEMENTS: Nodes are everything! ==
== SEEK: Search speeds and indexing ==
== FLEXIBILITY: Data Types ==
== ABOUT: Why are we talking about linked lists? ==
== ADVANTAGES: So, what's so good about a linked list? ==
== DISADVANTAGES: Well there has to be a downside! ==
== DESIGN: What is a "linked List"? ==
== ELEMENTS: Nodes are everything! ==
== SEEK: Search speeds and indexing ==
== FLEXIBILITY: Data Types ==