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Dwwoodsi assignment 1

13 bytes added, 10:06, 20 September 2006
=Conclusions and Reflections=
Overall a reasonably short and straightforward process. I delayed the process because I had heard how others encountered lots of problems and/or their binary didn't work appropriately. I didn't learn much, but that is my own doing. I didn't pick apart the makefile to see what was going on. The documentation on the Mozilla site was good enough for "How" but not "Why"; I failed to find out what was going on and more intricate details that would have been nice. Even if I -had- mucked around the makefile and watched some of the build output, I would be left not knowing much more. Perhaps some documentation could be written detailing what happens with such a large project. Perhaps it exists. I'm not overly interested, just making note...

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